Feels like ageees ;)
When I started this draft, it was October the 1st on the dot. And now it's the 7th already.
In case you are interested to know, many things have take turns in my revolting, yet still colorful life :)
Now that we have entered the 10th month in the calender, it's the month for breast cancer awareness as well...
Hurray for that, as I have soooo many plans and things to share about my own fight against breast cancer. Drafts were made and I just need more time, and extra energy, to finish them.
And in the same month I will start my chemotherapy, too :)
Yup...have started I my chemotherapy on October 2nd.
After recovering well (I can say ...) from mastectomy that I got last August, my oncologist came up with the plan for 4-time chemotherapy for my poorly-differentiated cancerous cells. It was quite a surprise for me and my family as my initial pre-surgery pathology test show that I can continue to be treated only with radiology and hormone therapy. But, voilaaaa...as the mother of the cells were taken out from my body, they showed their true color...They are poorly differentiated, meaning that they have grown far far different from the normal cells and in alarming speed. The fact that one cell in my lymph nodes is ready to transform confirms the need to proceed with chemo.
Well, I'll share more of that soon...
But now, I would like to happily share with you all that I'm Making strides against breast cancer!
Yuuup...I'll be joining the famous annual walk for a world free of breast cancer.
In fact, I'm the team leader here :)...
And guess what's the name of team?
thanks to dearest Nona for inspiring me with the name :)
Imagine all cheerful friends and family of mine, Indonesians and beyond, walking hand-in-hand in pink and show it to the world how we all share the same fight :)
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photo taken from American Cancer Society |
The walk will take place in Central Park, East 72nd St Bandshell, on Sunday, October 19, 2014.
To those who would like to join me and my team, come and click this link, my dashboard
You can join the walk, make donation, or support us any way you like..
This is what has been sent from my email , I just copy paste them:
Hello!Frankly, after the effect of my first chemo, I am a bit worried whether I can make the walk. My second chemo is scheduled on October 16, just 3 days before the walk. I guess I will talk to my doctor and get it a bit earlier than scheduled :). I also spoke with the event organizers that if I'm too weak to walk, I can still be there as the volunteers and my team will walk for me. How cool is that :)...
I'm so excited about an event I just signed up for - the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. I know, I know, there are a lot of breast cancer events out there. But I'm walking and fundraising for the American Cancer Society because they are the leader in the fight to end breast cancer - doing the most in every community to help women with breast cancer today and working tirelessly to find cures to end the disease tomorrow.
Why am I telling you this? Because I would love for you to join me! There are two ways you can help:
- Join me as a walker in this non-competitive, three-to five-mile event
Thanks in part to the American Cancer Society, and people like you who signed up to fundraise or made a donation and supported the cause, breast cancer death rates have dropped over the last 20 years. In fact, women are 34 percent less likely to die from breast cancer today than they were in 1989.
- Help me reach my goal by donating $5, $25, $50, or more
There’s still so much work to do. Please consider joining me or supporting me with a donation.
I have to say, I get so excited and I can't wait to join this noble cause.
For the world free from breast cancer...
For more birthdays and longer time to see my kids grow up :)...
Making strides against breast cancer !
Indonesia ceria, sound like emak ceria..hhehehe
ReplyDeleteiya mak Ade....pokoknya harus selalu ceriaaaa :)
DeleteKalau nda salah kita dihimbau memakai T-Shirt atau Kaos ya
ReplyDeleteHmmm. Kalau nda salah liat iklannya sih
yuuup..it goes beyond wearing the t-shirt mas...kontribusi yang lain juga bisa..termasuk donasi dan menyebarkan informasi yang terkait via blog :)
DeleteIn Shaa Allah dilancarkan yah, Mbak.. :D
ReplyDeleteaamiiin yra..
DeleteWhat a great walk to support such a great cause. I think we have all been affected by breast cancer in some way or another. My grandmother passed away from it in her early 40's, and as I inch closer to 40, it weighs heavy on my mind. Good luck with your chemotherapy! And I hope your team raises a lot of money to support finding a cure!
ReplyDeletethank you sooo much theresa...so true, cancer is so close to our lives...hopefully we all can walk hand in hand addressing it...
DeleteAwesome program, mak Indah. I know you can do it.
ReplyDeletethanks a lot mak...
DeleteSemangat ya Mak Indah... Semoga selalu disehatkan #Peyukkk
ReplyDeletemakasih maaaak....semangaaat :)
DeleteSemangat ya mak.. Semoga sukses acaranya
ReplyDeletemakasih ya mak...amiiiin...
DeleteSemangat ya Mak! Semoga IndonesiaCeria bisa meriah dan lancar, dan semoga pengobatan Mak berjalan dengan lancar juga :) *peluk erat*
ReplyDeletesemogaaa...pokoknya yang penting semangat duluuuu hehehe
DeleteProud of you ma2Bo. stil concern with other humang being. Keep spirit n get well soon .Big hug.
ReplyDeletemerciiii mak Tanty...Keep up the spirit indeed...
DeleteMy thoughts and prayers are with you as you battle cancer. I hope that you have the energy to participate in the walk.
ReplyDeletereally appreciate it, Cascia...I sincerely hope so too :)
DeleteMak, apapun yang terjadi mak Indah hrs tetap ceria, likes your idea "IndonesiaCeria" for breast cancer. We don't know what happen in our body, cause every woman has cancer in her body and will grow up, but no one know when it happen to us. I hope you will enjoy your day, inspiring to all Women and Try to be health with your chemo. I support you...
ReplyDeleteaamiiin yra...insya allah mak...nothing else I ask from Allah SWT but granting me enough courage and health to go through this ...sehat selalu ya maaak..
DeleteThis is a long war actually. Hope you win this struggle
ReplyDeleteWarm regards
indeed it is Pakdheee....aamiiin yra...insya Allah bisa, dengan izin-Nya...salam kangen..
DeleteAgreed with Pakdhe's words, Mak Indah. It's a long war, but I believe that you will win this by your great effort and spirit. Wishing you all the best, Mak, GBU. *Missed you suddenly. BigHug from Bandung*
DeleteDi Indonesia juga riuh banget kampanye world breast cancer ini mak.
ReplyDeleteDuh, lihat semangat mak indah, jadi ketularan eeuuuy
I am pretty sure that you can win this battle as a champ dear mak Indah...
ReplyDeleteI'll always pray for you....indeed...
I join this solidarity pink!
ReplyDeleteAllah always bless n protect you inshaa Allah! terharu bacanya euy! semangatmu menyalakan semangat semua perempuan semoga tetap sehat dan ceria!
ReplyDeleteKeep sharing mba cantik! peluk dari jauh!
How if you come and use a wheelchair Mak Indah? but yeah better if you ask your doctor to reschedule your next chemoteraphy
ReplyDeleteCheerful pink, love it. good luck for you & Indonesia Ceria :)